Exceeding Expectations One Patient at a Time
De-Stress Wellness is based on the principles of how stress and lifestyle affect our health and well-being. Our vision is to aid people in overcoming daily stresses and achieving their own unique balance of wellness by incorporating Homeopathy, Stress-Reduction and Lifestyle modifications into their lives.
De-Stress Wellness is founded by Dr Cheyne Macintosh. Dr Macintosh is a registered Homeopath with the AHPCSA.
Dr Macintosh has a natural desire to help those around him. From an early age, he has been fascinated with how the body works with a special interest in the mind-body-spirit connection, especially how our state affects our health.
The journey began to unfold further when Dr Macintosh started his martial arts journey at the Songshan Kung-Fu Executive Academy under the teaching of his Si-Jo Dr John Souglides. Throughout his martial arts journey, Dr Macitnosh has been taught much of the mind-body-spirit in integrated into our daily lives. As he continued to explore the depths of the connection, Dr Macintosh studied further achieving his Master's in Homeopathy (MTech: Homeopathy (UJ)).
Dr Macintosh believes that the body has a natural ability to heal itself and prevent illness, however, we tend to get in the way of our own healing with excessive amounts of stress, incompatible lifestyles and inadequate nutrition.
Through homeopathy, stress-reduction and lifestyle modifications, Dr Macintosh believes that we can restore ourselves to optimal health and wellness.

MTech Homeopathy (UJ)
Bcom Sport Management (UJ)
N.Diploma Martial Arts Science (IMAHF)
Oriental Medicine (Indian Board of Alternative Medicine)
Reiki Jin Kei-do (EnerSense Healing System)
Target Selection Certificate ( Deloitte)
Master Level at Songshan Kung-Fu Executive Academy
Feng Shui Practitioner (Yap Cheng Hai Academy)
Tachyon Therapy
Aura healing